Reformers Collective

Why This Rapper is Now Fighting a New Battle (The D.O.C.)

Becky Hennesy Season 1 Episode 9
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00:00 | 14:08

Are you old enough to know the name The D.O.C.?

He's a famous 80s rapper and songwriter and he joins podcast in this episode with host Becky Hennesy! This conversation was recorded on-stage at the recent Reformers Collective Conference at Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas.

Their conversation reveals how The D.O.C. (Terry Lynn Curry) is currently experiencing a personal reformation on a spiritual level with God. In fact, he says something in this podcast that he had never publicly shared before concerning his new mission in life. (You'll have to listen to find out!)

He and Becky talk openly about how God's mission for Terry never wavered even though he wasn't actively serving Him until very recently, when a divine revelation of who He is radically changed Terry's entire perspective on life.

The D.O.C. was on his way to becoming a household name in the emerging rap culture in the late 1980s. But in November 1989, he was involved in a near-fatal auto accident. Curry was thrown out the rear window, slamming face-first into a tree.

His injuries required 21 hours of plastic surgery, and he spent 2½ weeks in the hospital. He could not speak for about a month, and he was left with a different, raspier voice. It also altered the course of his musical career. No longer a primary voice on albums, he transitioned to becoming a song-writer for many of the most famous artists in American rap culture.

Over the past 30 years, the D.O.C. has been widely recognized as one the OGs (original gangsters!) in rap music, even though he only produced a few minor albums after his accident.

And for those who are curious: The D.O.C. stands for Dallas Oak Cliff!

The Reformers Collective podcast is part of the expanding Charisma Podcast Network (CPN).  Click here to visit the CPN main page. While at CPN, look for additional Reformers Collective resources such as Becky's blog articles on the topic of reformation.